Nepalese Army Institute of Health Science

6 years


$ 75000

College Fees

$ 4,000

Hostel Fees Per Year

Intake 2023

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Nepalese Army Institute of Health Science


Nepal Army Institute of Health Science is a renowned medical school in Nepal which is dedicated to modernise the medical education viewing the complex nature of health problems nowadays.

Located in Nepal ,the Nepal Army Institute of Health Science has a modernised hostel complex. There are separate hostels for boys and girls. Every hostel room is double bedded with an attached bathroom. Currently the hostel can provide lodging for over two hundred students. There is a separate hall for dining area. There are common rooms with TV. The environment is safe with security being provided by the Nepalese army personnel. In the event of medical needs, all the students are provided the same at Shree Birendra Hospital. There are arrangements of outdoor and indoor games. Annually there is a sports week event held on the sports field in the complex.



Nepal Army Institute of Health Sciences, Nepal seeks to offer students high-quality medical education and empower them with the best of both the worlds. Students at Nepal Army Institute of Health Sciences, Nepal are prepared as such to take care of emerging medical and health problems as well as be completely charged in case of an emergency.


The Nepal Army Institute of Health Science is a leading private medical institution inNepal offering MBBS Course to aspiring students. The dream of the setting up of the medical institute was to provide affordable and professional delivery of healthcare education



Nepal Army Institute of Health Sciences is located in Nepal. The college seeks to provide a comprehensive approach towards healthcare education, research and training facilities to aspiring medical professionals. The dream of the setting up of the medical institute was to provide affordable and professional delivery of healthcare education

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Nepal Office

How to Apply?

Tell us a little about yourself and we’ll help with the rest. Our convenient online application tool only takes 1 minute to complete.

After you submit your application, an admissions representative will contact you and will help you to complete the process.

Once you’ve completed your application and connected with an admissions representative, you’re ready to create your schedule.

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