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Jinggangshan University


Jinggangshan University (JGSU) is a public comprehensive university, jointly run by Chinese Ministry of Education and Jiangxi Provincial Government. It offers undergraduate education, graduate education and international student education. 

Jinggangshan University (JGSU, hereafter), a state-run institution of higher education, is known for its comprehensive ordinary undergraduate education with a long history and glorious tradition. It is a university jointly supported by Ministry of Education and the People’s Government of Jiangxi Province, pair-assisted by Tongji University and authorized by Nanjing Military Region for cultivation of military talents and cadres.

Founded in 1958, JGSU is located in Ji’an city, Jiangxi Province, southeast of China. It has 3 campuses covering an area of 2458.7 mu. The total value of teaching and research equipment reaches more than RMB 420 million Yuan, and the library has more than 2.14 million books. It also has a 3A affiliated hospital which is directly controlled by the university, 4 non-directly controlled affiliated hospital and 1 Ji’an Municipal Medical Health School. University is entitled to enrolls the first batch high school students in Jiangxi Province


JGSU is composed of 15 teaching schools (1 center) and 3 management schools, offering 50 undergraduate majors and 4 vocational undergraduate majors. It currently has a faculty of 1279 people, including 135 professors, 422 associate professors,359 teachers with doctoral degree. JGSU has 22487 full-time registered undergraduate students, 174 postgraduate students and more than 10,000 adult students for continued education. 

The university has started to recruit international student since 2007, and the number of admitted students add up to 1140 people. Currently, there are 209 undergraduate international students who are mainly from 15 countries.

JGSU is composed of 15 teaching schools (1 center) and 3 management schools, offering 50 undergraduate majors and 4 vocational undergraduate majors. It currently has a faculty of 1279 people, including 135 professors, 422 associate professors,359 teachers with doctoral degree. JGSU has 22487 full-time registered undergraduate students, 174 postgraduate students and more than 10,000 adult students for continued education. The university has started to recruit international student since 2007, and the number of admitted students add up to 1140 people. Currently, there are 209 undergraduate international students who are mainly from 15 countries


Jinggangshan University, located in the city centre of Ji’an Municipality, currently has 18,000 full-time registered students, including 331 oversea students. Meanwhile, it has enrolled more than 10,000 adult students. Up till now JGSU has produced nearly 100,000 graduates working in all walks of life.The past few years have seen the rapid development of Jinggangshan University in discipline, specialty and course construction. Among the 5 key disciplines of Jiangxi Province are the Discipline of Biology granted as “Advanced-level Discipline” in the 12th Five-year Plan, the Discipline of Marxism as the primary provincial key discipline, the Discipline of Atomic and Molecular Physics, the Discipline of Physical Chemistry and the Discipline of Computer Science and Application as the secondary provincial key disciplines. Either in terms of research achievements or in terms of talents cultivation, these disciplines enjoy a high reputation and exercise a significant influence.

The medical school at university is listed by Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research and recognized by WHO and listed in WHO medical school directory. University has also laid much emphasis on academic research. More than 4,600 academic papers among which 395 are indexed by SCI, EI and ISTP, and 254 monographs or textbooks were published in the past 5 years; and 103 nation-level projects were granted to the teachers of JGSU, including 63 projects funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NNSF), 17 National Key Technology R & D Programs, 2 New Century Excellent Talents Support Programs, 1 sub-project of National Science and Technology Major Project, 1 bidding project of National Key Laboratory, 18 projects sponsored by National Social Science Fund of China (NSSFC), 1 Key Projects of Philosophy and Social Sciences Research funded by Ministry of Education. In addition, more than 380 province-level projects and 19 awards of province-or- ministry-level were granted to the teachers of JGSU. The university publishes its own academic monthly journal, The Journal of Jinggangshan University, including philosophy & social science, and nature science editions.


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